Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Free Run Days

I spend most of my days working in an office. I enjoy the work I do, but I do not enjoy being inside. I want to create a life in which I work - that is write, act, or some other creative activity - primarily outside, or at the very least, in rooms with big windows.

Luckily, my current work situation is developing ideas for videos that I then produce.  I therefore have the creative liberty to develop and produce ideas that take place under the sun, in fresh air, out in the world.

Most recently, I developed a video featuring parkourists and freerunners (essentially, outdoor gymnasts).  I spent half a day driving around Downtown LA scouting locations, and came across the 6th Street Bridge underpass - an aging yet stately open air arcade boasting rows of art deco stone columns.  These columns line a long tunnel that leads forebodingly to the river's concrete bed.

Spending a day outside, watching athletes launch themselves off of surrounding walls, leap through the air, and spring into unexpected backflips, was very much in line with the vision I have for my ideal life.  I felt exhausted at the end of it (despite having done no flips of my own), but in that way that tells you you've really just lived.

1 comment:

Raina said...

These pics are great. Interesting how bouncing off my office walls is nothing like bouncing around beautiful LA.